Theming support


You need to be logged in to the Microbe administration part to manage users, for more information see Administrate Microbe.

Microbe comes with two themes dark and clear. You can switch your website theme using the Theme tab in administration page or following this link :<sub-rul/>admin/themes.

You just need to select the theme you want from those displayed


You can get more themes at the address Download the last archive including the subrepositories and extract it.

To install a new theme paste the theme directory in $HOME/.microbe/themes/.

How to create my own theme

To create your own theme you can customize the default themes or create a new one from scratch.

Microbe comes with a command to easily create your own theme skeleton

$ microbe theme <your-theme-name> <your-name>

Themes are based on Jinja2 template engine using the Flask-Themes2 extension.


The above command allows you to create a theme skeleton like described:

+------- info.json
+------- static
|           +------- css
|           +------- js
+------- templates
             +------- page.html
             +------- index.html
             +------- archive.html


The info.json file must contains the themes metadata

    "application": "microbe",
    "identifier": "your_theme_id",
    "name": "your_theme_name",
    "author": "Your name",
    "license": "Your license",
    "description": "A description",
    "version": "your_theme_version",
    "preview": "A preview file stored in static dir if available"

html files

You can access your static directory thanks to theme_static function:

      <link rel="stylesheet" src="{{ theme_static('css/style.css') }}">

You can extend your theme templates using theme function:

{% extends theme('base.html') %}


Archive page listing all the contents.

Parameters :

  • pages : a list of Page object
  • pagination : pagination using foundation templates


Templates used to render your static pages and posts objects.

Parameters :

  • page : a Page object


Templates used to render a list of objects (used by index, tags and categories)

Parameters :

  • title : page title
  • pages : a list of Page object
  • pagination : pagination using foundation templates


These are the variables you can use in the different templates :

Name Description
config.SITENAME Site name registered in config
config.SUBTITLE Site description registered in config
config.RSS Y if RSS is enabled else N
g.links Dict of links registered in Admin page { CATEGORY : [link1, link2] }
g.categories List of posts categories
g.search_form Form to search in contents
Page Current content object

Please refers to themes example to see how use it.

Feel free to create your own theme and contact me for a pull request.

Once you have created your own theme, select it in the Themes management.