Getting started

Install Microbe

You need to have Python installed on your server to use Microbe. The install script will download for you all the dependencies.

With pip

If you already have pip installed on your server you can use it to install Microbe

$ pip install microbe

It will download Microbe from Pypi

Without pip

You can install pip easily using your package manager or install Microbe manually following these steps :

  1. Get the last archive of Microbe
  2. Extract it
  3. Change path to extracted archive
  4. Run python install


Keep in mind that OS will otfen require you to prefix the above commands with sudo in order to install the app system-wide. It is recommended to create a virtual environment for Microbe via virtualenv

Upgrade Microbe


Upgrading Microbe will delete all the files contained in the application folder including your contents and the config file saved.

To preserve your contents, Microbe comes with two commands : save and restore.

  1. Save your contents in a Zip file using the save command
  2. Upgrade Microbe with or without pip
  3. Restore your contents using the restore command

With pip

$ microbe save -o
$ pip install --upgrade microbe
$ microbe restore

Without pip

$ microbe save -o
$ cd /path/to/microbe/folder/
$ python develop -u
$ cd -
$ wget
$ unzip
$ cd master
$ python install
$ cd ..
$ microbe restore