Frequently asked questions ========================== **How to report a bug** You can contact me at this address to report a bug or ask a question about Microbe : or you can use the `Issue tracker`_. **Include a media in my content** To include a file in your contact you need to upload directly in your editor if your browser supports the HTML5 file API or using the :doc:`/media` tab in the administration page. **ReCaptcha keys** You can enable comments for your posts in the configuration tab in administration page. To avoid spam, Microbe uses `ReCaptcha`_ service. You can get keys from ReCaptcha website for your site. **Robots.txt** You can add a ``robots.txt`` file for your blog. For that you just need to upload it using the :doc:`/media`. Unlike the others files ``robots.txt`` will be recheable at ``http:/``. **Sitemaps** Sitemaps for your blog are auto generated from your contents at ``http:/``. **Favicon** You can add your own favicon or use the beautiful Microbe's favicon for your application. *To add your own favicon* - Copy your favicon file in ``$HOME/.microbe/themes//img/`` - Use the following command to include it in your theme templates .. code-block:: django *To use default favicon* - Just add to your templates the following command .. code-block:: django .. _Issue tracker: .. _ReCaptcha: