API === **Runserver** .. code-block:: bash $ microbe runserver [-i] [-p 8000] [-u /] .. Run a CherryPy wsgi server to serve the application .. option:: -i, --ip determine the host to serve the application (default= .. option:: -p, --port determine the port to serve the application (default=8000) .. option:: -u, --url determine the url to serve the application (default=/) **Save** .. code-block:: bash $ microbe save [-o microbe.zip] .. Create a Zip file to save Microbe contents and config file .. option:: -o, --output determine the output Zip file name (default=microbe.zip) **Restore** .. code-block:: bash $ microbe restore .. Restore a Zip file containing contents and config file obtained by ``save`` command **Paramaters**: - ``archive.zip`` : Input zip file name containing backup for microbe generated with ``save`` **Theme** .. code-block:: bash $ microbe theme .. Create easily a theme skeleton for Microbe **Parameters**: - ``theme-name`` : The new theme's name - ``author`` : Your name, this will be used in the theme's ``info.json``